I'm desperate! Lost the SD Kingston (SD4/4GB) Memory card of my Dad's Funeral! All the pictures from 10/9/2009 to 10/10 in the am, on 10/10/09 we drove to Walla Walla General to the emergency room from Tri-Cities, WA and somewhere in between lost the SD Kingston (SD4/4GB) Memory card! We were there the entire day after the funeral...when my uncle went in for a bunch of tests. It is really a sad thing, kinda makes me feel sick, for losing it...ALL the pics and videos of my Dad's ...burial, Sports BBQ to honor him, and the Memorial at the church, the pics at the football game after, the video of the game announcer announcing & honoring my dad's name at the football game that night, plus my family and all the pics of my niece who is like 3 months old... :( i think i'm gonna shed a tear*

If you happen to find it, it is in the small, clear plastic case and it has a small piece of blue tape on it...please message me here! Thank you for your prayers...
