BIG Send-Off Party, Nov 1st~!!

This Sunday, November 1, 2009 at 4pm: Amy's Send-Off to Thailand!!!

Place: Traci's in Kennewick WA--please contact me for specific details!!

Sunday, November 1, 4-6 PM

Bring Dessert:
Potluck & Send-off, and some non-sweet snacks would be OK, too! :)

Note (From Marcia, my leader & friend):
I don't know if any of you were at the last going away, but Amy has a silent auction to sell of her belongings for that last bit of cash. I encourage you to bring a card with a word of encouragement (her love language :) ) and if the Lord has you bring an offering of some sort I know Amy would be grateful. Other gifts...well...they will have to be auctioned off with the rest of her stuff! Hahaha.

Anyway, if you have questions please call Amy or me, Marcia. If you would like to help Traci set up for the party I am sure she would welcome an extra set of hands.

I hope to see all of you there...
